BuzziMe Low


Lounge Sessel  Büro grüner Bürosessel BuzziSpace, BuzziMe Low

BuzziSpace has collaborated with designer Axel Enthoven for a second time to introduce BuzziMe Low, its latest addition to the BuzziMe family. BuzziMe Low packs modern comfort and sound control into a structured, contemporary lounge chair.

BuzziMe Low features a similar aesthetic and many of the same acoustic capabilities of the original BuzziMe, updated with a lower profile for added versatility to fit a wider
range of environments.

Unlike the private cocoon-like form of its predecessor, BuzziMe Low offers a more open and welcoming seating alternative, ideal for public spaces. With a lower back and less articulated wings, the new silhouette has been pared down to encourage intimate conversations without encapsulating barriers.

BuzziMe Low is built with high-performance, sound absorbing materials to provide sound control. The diplomatic design features a swivel base for added functionality. The chair can be configured with an optional rotatable tablet on the left or right armrest, creating a convenient surface for work or to rest a beverage.

BuzziMe Low is available in one size and can be upholstered in a range of fabrics, with the added option of customizing a dual-tone shell. Pair it with the BuzziMe Ottoman for an extra comfortable seating experience, perfect for those moments when you want to sit back, throw your feet up, and relax.

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Enthoven Axel